Don't miss out on expert conversations about the future of technology and human connections.
After the #GlobantWebUIChallenge we want to bring the amazing tech community together in an exclusive meetup in Lisbon.🎉
Check out the Agenda:
18:30-19:00 > Welcome and announcement of the winners of the challenge!
19:00-19:30 > Tech Panel: Developers and Testers in Harmony
Rui Pose – Engineering Manager, Burberry & VuejsPT Ambassador
Patricia Duarte Mateus, Software QA Engineer , MotorK & Geek Girls Portugal Ambassador
Mariana Tavernari – Strategy and Service Designer, Globant
19:30-20:30 > Networking time 🍻
Sign up to guarantee your spot!
❗️IMPORTANT: Attendance confirmation and location details will be sent by email.